
pro picJonathan Marker, operational meteorologist and CEO of Weather Vue Pro LLC, is a graduate of Ball State with a Bachelor Degree in Professional Meteorology. Jonathan meets the American Meteorological Society (AMS) requirements for the title “meteorologist” and Federal Civil Service requirements (GS-1340). His focus is to provide customized forecast information to assist decision makers on the impacts the weather will have on their operations.

As his own biggest competitor, Jonathan constantly works to improve on operational forecasting by conducting case studies of past weather events to better understand the meteorology and apply that information to future events.

With 4 years of forecasting experience and work in the private sector, providing business and organizations with customized forecast information across the Ohio Valley, has shown the importance of detailed forecasts can have on operations and help manage costs. His approach to forecasting is the ability to think outside the box while using meteorology to provide the best possible forecast.

Weather Vue Pro strives for nothing but being professional with integrity. Contact me if you would like more information about our services: jmarker@weathervuepro.com

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